ETHNOPHONICS entrelace rythmes urbains et mélodies exotiques, compositions et improvisations.
En rue ou sur scène, en fanfare acoustique ou en combo électrique, ce groupe polymorphe vous entraine dans tous les coins du monde où l'on aime danser.
De l'afrobeat au hiphop klezmer, de la cumbia au chaabi berbère,
du funk abyssin au rock du désert, la musique d'ETHNOPHONICS ne connaît pas de frontière.
Pas besoin de visa, détachez vos ceintures, décollage immédiat!
Ethnophonics présente son nouveau spectacle mettant en scène artistes live et artistes en videos : " Ubi Que "
ETHNOPHONICS blends urban rhythms and exotic melodies, compositions and improvisations. Musicians from all the world meet in this project. This geographical orchestra on the move invites you in any place in this world.
Abyssinian funk and Berber folk, cumbia and desert rock, ETHNOPHONICS’ music knows no border. No visa needed, fasten your seat belt, get ready to take off!
ETHNOPHONICS presents its new show « UBI QUE », starring live musicians and interactive videos. UBI QUE's world premiere took place in Turkey in june 2016.
Live musicians interact with videos on screen. Although, the live music isn’t just a movie soundtrack : portrayed musicians from Morrocco, Turkey or Laos are jamming from the screen with the band on stage; roads and landscapes scrolling on the beat, fishermen and passersby moving in rhythm, their moves turning into dance, the dance becoming trance.
UBI QUE is a visual and musical journey around the world.
ETHNOPHONICS adından da anlaşılabileceÄŸi gibi halk ezgilerini ve egzotik melodileri, doÄŸaçlamaları ve besteleri harmanlayarak müzikseverlere seslenmeye çalışır.
ETHNOPHONICS'in müziÄŸi sınır tanımaz; Afrobeat ve Kosher HipHop, Cumbia ve Berber Chaabi ezgileri ile HabeÅŸistan Funk ve Çöl Rock ritmlerine kadar uzanır.